Rim World end-game and Ending

Started by RaitzuViMate, July 14, 2014, 08:04:43 PM

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Quote from: NephilimNexus on May 25, 2016, 02:36:30 AM
What the game needs for the ending:

1) Write up a few hundred short story pieces based certain triggers.

2) Code system for compiling & editing trigger-story piece connections.

3) Turn this into a narration that can be saved for posterity.

For example:

Fred (name), the a vat-grown soldier (background) who had survived many brutal battles (injury count) finally returned to his home unit (background).  Soon he retired from service (age) and lived with his wife, (relationship) Helga (name).

Helga, the sickly child who grew up to be a (background) tribal hunter (background) and has two bionic legs (medical history) returned home with her husband (relationship), Fred and continued to work as a game warden for many years (age).

Bob was a prodigy child and an inventor whom, sadly, never made it off the planet, having died from malaria (cause of death) during the third year (time of death) of the colony.

Red Hawk the tribal herbalist never imagined himself living on a Glitterworld someday.  He and his loyal dog, Sparky, were very popular curiosities.  Soon he opened an apocathary selling ancient tribal remedies and kept busy for many more years despite having a bad back that was never treated.

As you can see, the idea is that the game remembers numerous little triggers associated with every character (there's plenty of room for more, too) and weaves them into a little story for them at the end of the game.

Then the game can save all this to a file that acts as a sort of achievement/memorial wall for all the player's colonies.  Something they can look at and wax nostalgic over past games, or simply use as a measuring stick of success.

This is probably one of my favorite posts in a long time and a GREAT idea.

Like in other long, detailed games, the characters in Rimworld slowly become somewhat important to you - just like those guys in old X-COM who are on that first mission and land near the first downed UFO and make it throught the rought beginning to rise in rank and skill. It was THAT GUY who did this and that, THAT GUY who took the plasma projectile but survived in a hospital for 60 days only to come back to get his revenge with new weapons etc.

The ending stories also remind me of Fallout: New Vegas ending(s) which brought some depth to the characters. I hope there's sad-ish music playing in the background in Rimworld ending too, the kind of thought-provoking, slow yet peaceful music that kind of says "life went on and this was their ultimate fate later on".


Quote from: Lizardo on October 22, 2016, 12:19:30 PM
Better I think to have a constant stream of new things to improve your colony with than some misfitting kludge imposed as a 'goal'.

Agree. There should be no end goal for such a game. There should be tools for endless expansion probably with exponential complications, for example you could colonize all planet, but there would be another developing factions, which may be more powerful then you are and if you manage to win and dominate you could move to another planet. Anyways, these are only imaginary thoughts. I only hope that RimWorld would be expanded and we will see more content with super mods.


And another thread emerges from its cryptosleep casket.  Are we on a glitterworld where it brain injury can be treated?
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.