[1.0.2096] Trauma savant colonist dies of lack of consciousness

Started by gottoni, January 16, 2019, 07:01:53 PM

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Trauma savant colonists shouldnt suffer lost of consciousness from brain injures, but because of the way things are coded now you can die from lack of consciousness after a brain injure that leaves you Trauma savant.

In my case, I added a Joywire (-20% consciousness) to my colonist and my colonist got hit in the brain by 8 damage (-80% consciousness). She became Trauma savant from the injury (removes -80% consciousness) and died, which shouldnt happen because she still has 80% consciousness.

In other words, she died even though her body was still in living conditions. I even resurrected her with a Ressuctor Mech Serum and her brain didnt change at all. She was alive with a Joywire, 2/10 brain and Trauma savant with 80% consciousness like she should be.

You can check from the messages that the problem is that after a brain injury the game first checks if the colonist has any consciousness left to be alive, kills it and then only afterwards runs the RNG that will define if the colonist will be a Trauma savant or not if the brain didnt get destroyed.

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