New ideas for rimworld

Started by AlexNAC04, January 12, 2019, 08:47:02 AM

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1. wimp trait should reduce pain tolerance to 35% not 20%
2. ability to craft marigold cream with 10 dried marigold flowers and 2 herbal medicine to create 20 marigold cream marigold cream should stop 60% of pain if wound is not severe,35% of pain if wound is not very severe,20% of pain if wound is severe and 50% of infection chance on selected wound to make it more realistic, its price should be 10 silver per unit
3. new flowers like marigold and mint which can be usefull for making tea and creams
4. Marigold should take 5 days to mature, it has limited lifespan of 35 days,when harvested it should give 5 marigold flowers, they should be dried in a drier that can dry flower parts used for cream,the flower should have a minimum skill of 6 for plants, it's confortable temperature should be between 40 C and -4 C, it should grow between 37 C and 10 C
5. Mint should take 10 days to mature, it has a limited lifespan of 30 days, when harvested it should give 10 mint leaves, they should be dried, they have a minimum skill of 5 for plants , its confortable temperature should be between 45 C and 5 C , it should grow between 42 C and 9 C
6. The drier should cost 15 steel and 50 wood a electric drier costs 25 steel 1 component and 75 wood, the normal drier dries plants in 3 days, if the drier is in a desert it should dry 150% faster if the drier is in a swamp or any humid zone it should dry at 50% capacity,the drier can dry 25 plants, the electric drier should dry plants in 2 days it is only affected by humid weather by 75%, the electric drier should take 300 wats,
7. Mint tea: it takes 20 mint leaves to make 7 mint tea, it deteriorates 2 hitpoints per day,it has 50 hitpoints,it isn't addictive,it gives 5 recreation points,if the person eats a nutrient paste meal or kibble and drinks mint tea the debuff will be gone, its value is 20 silver per unit
8. Assigning food policies on caravans, its pretty anoying that you can't change what people eat on caravans

I want rimworld to not need mods for some new content,I want rimworld to have very much variety in items and i think people should be credited for their ideas like if someone contributes with 30 ideas that get implemented into the game they should be credited.

Tynan if you are reading this you made a good game,but it still needs improvement to be even better!


1.) Yes, please.  I had a wimp join my day sensory mechanites. He is permanently downed with a long term disease...weeks pass.  Then the colony gets fiberous mechanites as well, and he now has both.  His sensory mechanites finally go away, but weeks more have passed and he still cannot leave the hospital bed because of just that one disease, at its lowest stage.