Which file to edit to restrict age?

Started by Vehicular_Zombicide, February 06, 2019, 09:07:44 PM

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I have several alien race mods installed, and I'm trying to edit the minimum age value for them so that no pawns are generated above a certain age from events (drop pod crash, prisoner rescue, etc). I've found the relevant values, but I'm unsure which document to edit.

Both relevant files are within the Astorial>Defs>PawnKindDefs_Humanlike folder, but I'm unsure which file to edit in order to restrict the age generation for refugee events while leaving age generation for trade caravans and raids untouched. There is one file called Pawnkinds_Player_Astorial and another called Pawnkinds_Astorial. I'm certain that Pawnkinds_Astorial controls the age generation for all Astorials pawns, but I'm unsure if Pawnkinds_Player_Astorial overrides it for recruitment events.


Files and filenames are irrelevant for xml.

The refugee chased event normally spawns a SpaceRefugee Pawnkind. The alien race framework provides modders the opportunity to supply alternatives, they're the pawnkinddefs mentioned in pawnKindSettings.alienrefugeekinds. Searching for either of those tags oughta find you what you need.