Max messages limit making debugging impossible

Started by firestrock, February 20, 2019, 12:57:11 PM

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I'm currently getting ready for a heavily modded run of Rimworld. But since I got 170+ Mods installed, there naturally will be errors and incompatibilities that are nowhere listed and have to be figured out manually.
Sadly, whenever I start the game, the log pops up with a lot of white and yellow messages and a "Reached max messages limit. Stopping logging to avoid spam." entry at the bottom.
From my understanding, the log only opens automatically if the game has encountered an error (red text) during loading. But since I hit the message limit, it is not being shown, making debugging it impossible.

How can I disable this message limit or at least set it to a higher number?


Get ready for mod #171. May I introduce to you: 4M Mehni's Misc Modifications.

Toggle its "I am a developer FFS" option and the max limit won't matter anymore.



That's kind of a hidden feature, right? I already had your mod installed but there's no hint that this option will remove the limit (except for the GitHub page that I didn't bother checking ::))
For me this is an essential feature for heavily modded Rimworld. Maybe you should advertise this a bit more.

I just checked it and it's kinda working. I get different outputs depending on whether I got verbose logging enabled or not, but there is still no red text, even though the log opens automatically. But maybe that's just the game acting up on my end.

Thanks again!


I got so many mods with so many features I can barely remember what all of em do ;D


That's one of the better problems to have though =D