Stonecutting will not progress

Started by Hoopylorax, March 14, 2019, 06:54:39 PM

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I have a colony running that is currently unable to progress with building defenses, as every time I try to send someone to cut stone blocks they walk over to the dump pile full of stone chunks and just start adding them to their inventory. Like *all* of the chunks to their inventory. My primary crafter had 650kg of granite in his pockets when I realized what was happening. I've cancelled the bill, deconstructed and rebuilt the stonecutting table, reloaded the game numerous times. Even when I don't specifically tell someone to work on it, but just set them to craft and suspend everything but the stonecutting table, they still do it! Anyone have any idea what is wrong? It was working at one point, but has stopped recently, and the problem exists as far back as any of my old saves of this game too. I'm running numerous mods, but I can't for the life of me figure out which would be affecting this.


Okay, I traced it back to the Pick Up and Haul mod. I deleted it, unsubscribed and resubscribed, and it seems to be working again. I'm crossing my fingers that this stays functional.


at first please read the sticky "How to report a bug" before.
And yes, that was an old problem with Pickup&Haul before, looks like steam update problem strikes you. Old version files left at the mod folder.

Happy playing ! :-)