Any crazy animal stories?

Started by BurnNDie, March 15, 2019, 09:41:40 PM

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For some reason animals sometimes are dumb or stupid things happen with animals. Anything stupid, crazy, or random happen during one of your colonies?

For me I had 9 random yorkshire terriers join my colony at once. I don't really understand how or why, but we had a lot of dead ones afterwards...(Too many to feed)

[attachment deleted due to age]


You need to think different ! :-))
Go away from ohh 9 yorkshire how cute, let me cuddle these. Maybe we can train them.
Ahh we are blessed the lunch comes to us !


Oh i have a story about yorkshires...

Well i had a female yorkshire that i started out with, and then i got a tiny manhunter pack of yorkshire terriers, well i got a male yorkshire and tamed him and fully healed him up...

The crazy part is that i kinda started a Yorkshire Empire and they had a lot of babies ever after and many yellow cowboy hats were made... Yeah don't talk about it...

One "happy family" in the rims...
Custom font made by Marnador.


In my "open colony" (a normal colony without defensive walls/kill box) I got raided, people all over the place.
The grenadier opened a hole in a building, shots being shot, if I recall correctly my pawn had a Minigun.
A shot gets the colony turtle, shot in the head, wasnt dead, yey.
After the raid I look at the turtle, something is odd.
The turtle eveloped Trauma Savant, I now had a Manipulation enhaced Turtle.


People are animals, by definition, so EVERY RimWorld story is a "crazy animal story" ;D.
Thanks, belgord!