Animal bionics mod and boomalopes/boomrats

Started by tsmt1001, March 20, 2019, 01:29:16 AM

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I've noticed that animal bionics do not work on boomalopes and boomrats. Is that intentional? I had a boomalope who could really use a bionic leg, but even after I crafted it, it would not show up in the list of available operations for a boomalope, but it would for alpaca (probably would have for some other animals too, but alpaca was the only one I checked).


did you try out A Dog Said ?
Boomrats can only get peglegs like all other small animals, but Boomalope should be able to get bionic legs.


Yes, I have that mod. So not sure why it didn't work for a boomalope.


Got more boomalopes and tested it again. They can only get peg legs. I crafted an animal bubonic leg, it now shows up on a list of possible operations for my husky, but not for a boomalope


At first you should test it with A Dogs Said only on a new test colony.
Maybe use hugslib too for quickstart colony feature (need dev mode on).
Use Dev commands:
Spawn pawn, Boomalope
Tame animal
Spawn Animal bionic leg, Medcin.
God mode on, build  Animal bed.
Then check if you got the surgery.

When it still don't got the surgery, you should report it to the mod author.
But when it works, some other mod interfere with A dog said.


Interesting, apparently bionic parts don't work on boomalopes at all. Simple animal prosthetics do, but bionics don't. Looks like it's intentional, but it seems a bit unfair. I have "kill for me" mod active and train boomalopes and boomrats to be on the kill team, so I get quite a few injured boomalopes and boomrats. I had a boomalope who lost both eyes and another one who had its jaw shattered, and there is no simple prosthetic jaw or simple eye I could install on them.