Prisoners to work

Started by EmmaWayne, August 19, 2014, 02:31:49 AM

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Well you can already do those two things! I was just pointing out that with the possibility of slave labour comes the possibility of alternate play styles, such as mercilessly psychotic barbarian camp.


Hmmm like an established colony of tribesmen but you can only do the basic of the basic buildings for when you expand or only have one building (with sleeping spots) for everyone... then go on raids to near by colonies?
Poke poke, stab stab.


Oh no, simply have colonists with traits that make them HAPPY to cause and witness pain, and make them hate working. Then as a player you could try to attract these types of people, and have a barbaric, slave-keeping camp.


Quote from: MajorFordson on August 21, 2014, 05:32:52 AM
Oh no, simply have colonists with traits that make them HAPPY to cause and witness pain, and make them hate working. Then as a player you could try to attract these types of people, and have a barbaric, slave-keeping camp.

Or jolly old camp full of nobles, tea and deck of cards =P


Slaves are acutally a pretty nice idea. There is so much cool stuff you could do with the prisoners, only having the option to kill or recruit them is kinda lame. Slaves would be really cool and the fear-system fit this option perfectly. If they dont want to work just beat them up. There are so many situations you need slaves, for example after a big raid. Your base is on fire, your food is rotten but your prisoners are just hanging around waiting for their food.


Slave labour sounds kind of cool ?