stop pawns feeding fine meals to animals..

Started by Bobisme, March 24, 2019, 10:50:08 PM

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One of the ..silliest things in this game is pawns thinking feeding injured animals fine meals is acceptable and not stupidity.. when there is 20 simple meals a bucket load of berries and veggies right there... RIGHT THERE!...

I am very surprised this situation still occurs..  ..

I mean geez .. lol

That's what i 'suggest' ..



I feed my colonists nutrient paste so i never have that issue. Question for you though, do you have kibble and is it closer to the injured animals versus the meals?


in regard to distance, he had rice and meat then simple meals and then fine meals
The thing is that the pawn had a meal on him, he was there, so he fed it to him instead of grabbing something more 'intelligent'


I know all you guys wanna do is feed those disgusting nutrient paste meals to them animals.
It's all you Rimworlders know how to do, commit war crimes and just be horrible people in general.

How do I know? Simple.

I'm one of you guys too...

Seriously though,
Assigning meals to animals should work the same as assigning meals to colonists.


Good idea. The same can be said about the prisoners. This is very annoying.


Prisoners do have the same options as colonists for food restrictions in their health tab Prolbo.
But on the general topic, +1 to this idea, noticed this yesterday and thought it was a little strange.


Oh good. I was going to start two new threads. But no need for the second.

Yes the ability to change what colonists eat is okayish. But it is far less important than prisoners and (consider yourself lucky it was only fine means) stopping the stupid pawns feeding lavish meals to the animals...

@Ashe I haven't bothered with the latest version. I'm still on 1.0. And in that, you cannot change  meals for prisoners, only whether they get food at all