[1.0] (WIP) PawnBadge 0.1 - Add badges to colonist bar

Started by Hitnrun, March 28, 2019, 12:01:53 PM

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This mod allows adding up to 2 badges on the colonist portrait. This can help quickly identifying his/her role.

This is a first WIP, the icons are only tests. It will be possible for other mods to add it's own icons to the list.

HugsLib must be loaded before this mod.

Icons suggestions are welcome.

Download at:

Source at:



this is definitely awesome.... will keep an eye on it.. and btw, github link is not working

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Quote from: LiteEmUp on March 28, 2019, 01:00:16 PM
this is definitely awesome.... will keep an eye on it.. and btw, github link is not working

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Link seems to be working here, I just uploaded a new version with a fix, maybe you were trying right at the same time.


Quote from: Hitnrun on March 28, 2019, 01:11:09 PM
Quote from: LiteEmUp on March 28, 2019, 01:00:16 PM
this is definitely awesome.... will keep an eye on it.. and btw, github link is not working

-- bookmarked ---

Link seems to be working here, I just uploaded a new version with a fix, maybe you were trying right at the same time.

still page not found..

also what badges do you have currently?? also what planned badges??


404 Page Not Found for me too, do you maybe have it set to private by mistake?


Quote from: EagleCall on March 28, 2019, 01:19:55 PM
404 Page Not Found for me too, do you maybe have it set to private by mistake?

Ops the repository was private, now it is public!


Hmm, I think those linked examples are too detailed and complicated, both for RimWorld in general and especially for tiny icons like this.

That is a good point though about the Medical badge, and I thought the corn icon was for growers but looking at the defs it's labeled for cooks?  I think a stylized chef's hat would be better for cooks, and the corn would work for growers, though having an alternate grower badge might be good too.

So, I'll see if I can work on that chef's hat idea, but meanwhile what do you folks think of this modified medical badge?

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Quote from: Hitnrun on March 28, 2019, 01:55:45 PM
Quote from: LiteEmUp on March 28, 2019, 01:27:45 PM
imo the medical badges kinda makes it look like a pawn needs emergency treatment lol.. it might confuse some people.. I suggest a different badge like this https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81j4tGR-JVL._SX425_.jpg

cleaner badge http://www.find-a-cleaner.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Clean-Assured-badge.png

construction badge https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f6/2a/f4/f62af48298b2854ce1d2c5c27ae971df.png

grower badge https://media.istockphoto.com/vectors/the-farmer-is-watering-the-seedlings-icon-in-badge-style-one-of-farm-vector-id1022134868

researcher badge https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/khanacademy/images/8/87/Researcher-512x512.png/revision/latest?cb=20141025205705

artistic badge https://as1.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/63/22/46/500_F_163224621_PoySeVCZQCF9C0bW4eZXN3D3DsUsVVHl.jpg

miner badge https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/miner-pick-axe-vintage-emblem-helmet-flashlight-holding-pickaxe-background-sunburst-mining-industry-84003861.jpg

hauler badge https://cdn.dribbble.com/users/930459/screenshots/3716558/haulandjunk.jpg

these are some of my suggestions lol..

These are very nice! But they should have a transparent background, I am not good enough a designer to remove it from these...

i'll see what i can do though lol... no promises... im not good with ms paint lol

Quote from: EagleCall on March 28, 2019, 03:56:07 PM
Hmm, I think those linked examples are too detailed and complicated, both for RimWorld in general and especially for tiny icons like this.

That is a good point though about the Medical badge, and I thought the corn icon was for growers but looking at the defs it's labeled for cooks?  I think a stylized chef's hat would be better for cooks, and the corn would work for growers, though having an alternate grower badge might be good too.

So, I'll see if I can work on that chef's hat idea, but meanwhile what do you folks think of this modified medical badge?

maybe change the color of the cross to red and have the snake image thingy, like this https://assets-alpha.megadepot.com/product/image.640x640/accuform/FRG113DP.jpg, to make it look like not vanilla

for the melee part, maybe a sword and shield symbol?


How about some Badges like the Peace symbol... To know if he or she is an Pacifist that's incapable of violence or an Non-combatant with low shooting and low melee combat skills?

And the Burning Passion Logo to know this guy is actually an Master Crafter or Artist?

Or the Research Symbol, to know he or she's the Main Researcher or one of those scientists for getting those Space ship Projects Ready?  :D

One "happy family" in the rims...
Custom font made by Marnador.


Well, published on the Workshop with temporary icons anyway, on the Github page I explain how to make a mod to add custom icons.



Made a couple red variants of the medical icon; tried adding the snake symbol but it was pretty badly muddled at icon sizes.  Wikipedia has a good copy of the Star of Life anyway, which already has that and is itself an official symbol for emergency medical services.

Also found and fixed up some chef badges and a neat little graphic with both peace symbol and dove.

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here are my contributions

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i think the cleaner and engineer are too dark, so i rechanged the color...

also i think you should make the nurse and doctor badges as additional badges, incase someone has split job mods

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