fix caravans.

Started by Bobisme, March 31, 2019, 10:24:06 PM

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I love a good toxic fallout, the form caravan..not so..much

I ended up rocket launching all my animals and the dumb ass pawns that kept running in circles, vented reloaded, to the same junk.

I know caravans are hard to get to work right, so i made a single zone with all my animals locked in it and started to form the caravan the morons the pawns, seemed to collect all the animals and then zig zag back n forth until they got to 50% toxic build up, it's just a fail.

Not to mention that as soon as you start to form a caravan the animals loose their set zones so they are allowed to eat all crops...

(placed all animals in a zoned room with the 3 pawns, then started form caravan, they grabbed em all i opened the door and then they piss farted around the caravan zone for a day or so)

notice the new menu showing what is to be loaded, tried to get them to manually load it, they grabbed some rice and the animals that followed, ate the rest of what was supposed to be for the caravan... 

This time just 1 pawn and the animals no stuff, just grab em n go, nah that would be too easy... looser walking back n forth again

I try again, 1 pawn, no stuff she collects em all, i open the door, they spew forth
and distribute , she then proceeds to go and grab every single animal ahgain, just trash

Before you say well see if you can code any better, i don't have to ..i paid someone to do it.

no zones for animals apon beginning so this time some of them got high, n passed out yay

just ..garbage

(Dev mode to the rescue, hit auto create to step over ...the bropken caravans. feel sorry for the people that don't have that luxury :P