Is there a mod that makes zones for cutting any trees that pop up?

Started by Golden, April 29, 2019, 07:26:24 PM

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Hi!  I'm looking for a mod that allows you to create a zone where your colonists automatically cut down any trees that try to start growing in it, just the trees or any other chosen plant(s) I guess.  Does this already exist somewhere, please?

For example, to remove any cover from a defense area without having to plant a crop of some type.

I know you can have the trees harvested when at 100%, but I'm looking for a clear-cutting zone.


Or just floor these area with some simple floor.
And when you don't want that raider got the movement bonus on floors, maybe use Fertile Field mod and turn the soil into sand.
Some mod's give crap floors that lower the normal movement. Like Black Widow race with the spidersilk floor, or Lighter then fast.


Thank you @togfox!  :)  That's what I was looking for, really more than that, but it's good.


The video make it seem really complicated but it's not really. You can ignore most of it if you like.


Concrete + the barbed wire mod could also work, if you have the steel ;)