[1.0] Penoxycyline is Medicine

Started by LWM, April 29, 2019, 02:02:03 PM

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I have medicine cabinets in my Deep Storage mod, and it's annoying to have to go hunting for penoxycyline in the "drugs" category. Yes. It's a drug. No, I want it with medicine.

Lo. Penoxycyline is a preventative medicine now.

(This removes the default Drugs category for PenEtc and adds Medicine. Should be compatible with anything else that puts Penoxycyline in a different category, if you want it in Medicine too.)

On steam at https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1727229946
On github at https://github.com/lilwhitemouse/RimWorld-PenoxycylineIsMedicine


PS - if there is another mod doing this, I couldn't find it, so.
PPS - Penoxycyline is a terrible terrible name to type 50 times.
PPPS - I hope I haven't been misspelling it the entire time.