Rpg style playthrough

Started by jdemiers17, May 13, 2019, 02:39:01 AM

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I just wanted to share a way I've been playing that's pretty fun. I turn my colonist into dnd rpg style characters.

I name my pawns cleric, wizard, dwarf, guard, ranger, druid, bard.. etc
I'll just go over how I choose some of them. its a fun way to play and makes it easy to know who can do what at a glance. do you want risk your wizard or your cleric in this fight for example.

ranger=high in hunting
guard=first line of defense combat
bard=art, or social

and i make variants as I go. if its high research pawn/high shooting/pyromaniac I might make them a pyromage.

if their high research/high medic/psychopath I might make them a necromancer

Canibal/astetic/nightowl =  a vampire

High combat/medic might be a paladin

tough/brawler might be a barbarian
tough/masochist might be a tank etc

Just sharing it as a fun way to play.