Mod suggestion - Independent colony's / faction rework

Started by Prologue, March 23, 2020, 08:58:59 AM

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I think that the faction system in the base game is designed counter intuitive to the story / feeling of the world.

You're supposedly on this wild planet with no real structured society. There are however a decent amount of colony's / settlements spread out over the world trying to survive between all the pirates alien factions and war. Yet there are a hand full of generic factions that have many settlements randomly dotted around the world.

I know there are mods to adjust some settings around how factions are spawned on the map, which help crate a bit more realism. Such as the option to cluster factions.

I want to propose another way of designing the faction system: What if we just start by saying, all colony's on the map are their own 'clan', just like your colony is it's own 'clan'. They will all have their own name, their own leader, their own recourses and they all have their own alignment to one another.

Once we have this as a starting point there could be some things added such as 'clan' clusters, which are groups of colony's or outposts that are close to each other and are part of the same 'clan'. And we can also re-introduce 'factions' (as an option), but this time as a collaboration between different 'clans'. The point of this is not to end up where we started, with mega factions that are spread out all over the planet. But to give the feeling of a somewhat realistic and living world.

Things like mega-corporations could also be added in as their own faction type, though they should leave enough room for the other smaller faction types.
