Worst characters

Started by Pg773, December 28, 2017, 02:01:16 AM

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I had just installed Rimworld and had zero mods. I chose crashlanded and said to myself that I was going to use those characters. I had a character that was a nudist and had a wake-up addiction, a prostophile doctor[Not bad] and a useless bum. He was renamed Jimmy. I spawned into a temperate forest and wasnt sure what to do. I spent most of the first few days looking at tutorials and whatnot. I had a room for 3 and they all hated at least one of the others. There was a heated argument when the first raider showed up. He only had a shiv, but the one not arguing was non-violent. Jimmy was stabbed multiple times and was bleeding out, when finally the other two stopped and beat the raider. Life went on, but not before losing Jimmy. He was left outside and eaten by the local bear population.


You think that's bad? Try a pyromaniac who's incapable of dumb labor, and has a chemical fascination.
