Automatic Mod Sorter isn't working

Started by Todd, June 02, 2019, 05:34:31 PM

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So my game has been crashing at initializing lately. Ive been told its because of the mod order, which is probably right since it loads up at certain orders with certain mods, its just i havent been able to load them all up yet. Its very time consuming. I was suggested to get the automatic mod sorter, and it says that its working, saying the amount of mods i have subscribed and the unknown mod being moved to the bottom. When i check the actual game though it hasn't changed at all. It worked once, but i have no idea what i did differently to recreate it. If someone could please help me with this, it would be really appreciated because I have no tech know-how to fix this bymyself.

here's a list of the mods that I had installed and the order when it first stopped loading up. And it has worked before on the game, which makes it all the more confusing when it randomly decides to not work anymore. 

[attachment deleted due to age]


so i guess i finally got it working some way some how. No idea but uh, yay?