Asocial caravan

Started by eugeneb, June 08, 2019, 03:20:21 PM

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Not 100% sure about this one because I skipped the notification but I believe I just got "X visiting the colony, they have a few items to trade" and they are hanging around my base with some silver. However none of them have the icon to initiate trade. I clicked around and one of their colonists is incapable of social and I highly suspect it's their caravan leader. It's kind of hilarious in a way so not sure if feature or bug. And to be fair in the past I also launched a small caravan only to facepalm upon arrival when I discoverws that I assigned an incapable of social colonist to it :D


Hehe, good way to fail a peace talk for sure ! :-)

Does the visitor's meet some predator on your map and the leader with the "?" got maybe killed ?


Nope, I am fairly certain they just came this way. It's a desert map and I am closely monitoring and exterminating those few occasional iguanas so that they don't steal my crops.


Does the history button let you see old notices, or is that a mod I have?  Because that would help explain what's going on.



Yup I loaded up save and it does have "Visitors" entry. It seems to just say "X visiting the colony" but doesn't have the "few items to trade" text. So I suspect it's not a bug then (although I am still not sure why they are hanging around or visiting my colony then)?


In case you want to rob/kidnap/enslave/eat them, I suppose?

Hospitality mod adds more to the visiting dynamic.