Colonist not forming bond with dog

Started by eugeneb, June 08, 2019, 01:01:22 PM

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I have a colonist who is on handle duty and I've seen many times the notification that says colonist_name and dog_name have formed a bond but when I go to examine things, the bond doesn't show up anywhere (unassigning the dog from them doesn't cause mood penalty either). I've definitely seen this happen at least twice for my current colony, but probably happened more because I didn't always pay attention or follow through and examined it. Let me know if save file will help.


just some question:
- do you use any mods ? (Because this is just for vanilla bugs)
- does any error's (red text) show up at the log window.


Nope, no mods. I didn't see any red text when looking around.


Ok, maybe a safegame would be handy.
The msg. about the bond should be at the history if i remember right.
You can try to zip the safegame then maybe it is small enough to be a fileattachment (maximum total size 1000KB), if not you need to use an external file hoster.

I think the devs will look into it.


Thanks! I've uploaded the save to Dropbox. The guy who keeps getting notification without actually forming a bond is Spencer and that save was made several seconds after this happened. I don't remember which dog it was now but I think it was Cassandra.


It keeps happening for some reason - that guy is my main handler and he keeps getting "formed bond with dog_name" notification from time to time but no bond actually happens. Not sure what's causing it, maybe because he is a psychopath.


You are correct, the method RimWorld.RelationsUtility.TryDevelopBondRelation is bugged in that it skips the relation for psychopaths but still assigns a name(if not already named) and sends the notification about bonding/bonding with new name.