Need mechanics balance

Started by Basarab, July 15, 2019, 05:26:27 PM

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For some time I have been developing a mod, and now I am very interested in one game mechanics - Needs.
I'm not sure I'll get an answer, but it's really very interesting to at least find out the key words on which I can google.

Specifically, I see that a need such as Mood has a "seekerFallPerHour" parameter with a value of 0.06. I understand some subtle points, but I really would like to know by what parameters and by what methods this particular value was chosen. I wonder how this mechanic was balanced. If you think you know how to help me figure it out - I will be glad to hear you :)


Honestly, I'd be pretty surprised if the value wasn't reached by starting with "this sounds like a common sense number to start with" and then went through a huge amount of "this feels too much/little" over and over again over a long period of time until it was balanced with the mechanics that rely on it, which likely went through exactly those same adjustments.