Any way to revive world pawns that are registered as dead?

Started by CrealStar, June 30, 2019, 10:44:24 PM

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As the title says. Just trying to fiddle with save file stuff, wanted to know if there was any way to change the state of a pawn from registered dead to something else like kidnapped. This isn't the same as resurrecting a corpse on the map, I'm talking the corpses that have been lost to the world, i.e. lost caravans or pawns kidnapped out of the map but died not long after. There doesn't seem to be any dev tool to do so, but I can use dev tools to at least see what pawns have died outside of the settlement map.

I've poked around the save file and there doesn't really seem to be any straightforwards state change so I was wondering how I would go about editing the file to change that if I wanted.



It does not. All the character editor mods I've used so far only pull from pawns that are in a map area, not pawns that are only registered in the world.