Problems with switching to 3.5 net framework in visual studio19

Started by F4nt4sy, July 01, 2019, 02:36:37 PM

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hey guys. title pretty much nails it. i have downloaded the 3.5 dev kit, installed it and enabled it in windows features. still cant switch to 3.5 as targetframework. FYI im following the PlagueGun Tutorial. What am i doing wrong? (win10 here)

thanks in advance!


When you start Visual Studio you have the option to create a new project. Do so. You'll get a screen like so:

That is the type of project you need. If Visual Studio does not have anything for "Class Library Framework", click the "Install more tools and features" go to "Individual Component" and then install "Development tools for Framework .NET 3.5" (or something similarly named).

That is the type of project you need: A class library for .NET Framework using C#.
Not .NET Core, not Visual Basic.

Then, click next. You'll get a screen like this:

Select .NET Framework 3.5. If you do not have 3.5 available, go back one step and click the "Install more tools and features" -- follow above instructions.

If you had already started a project which targets .NET Core instead of .NET Framework, you cannot change back easily. Just start a new project. If you had set it to a different version of .NET Framework, Project => Properties => Application => Target Framework.