How to activate a new Raid Strategy after certain days passed?

Started by jonny02, July 10, 2019, 04:11:13 PM

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I am trying to update a mod from Beta 18 to 1.0 and need help how to activate a new Raid Strategy after a certain time. At the version Beta 18 you wrote <minDaysPassed>15</minDaysPassed> to the new raid but now I just get an error that it doesnt more exist (looked in the source code). Im looking forward for your replys!  :)


Thanks for your reply. Sadly it didnt worked :(

Error: XML error: <earliestDay>15</earliestDay> doesn't correspond to any field in type RaidStrategyDef.


Maybe a hint, look at the
XML Auto-Documentation
you should find the entry for earliestDay and maybe it helps.


earliestDay is part of IncidentDefs, not RaidStrategyDefs.

Maybe you need to find a way to tie the raid that uses your strategy to an incident def?  I'm v fuzzy on how this aspect of things works, but maybe that will help?