Changing a researchPrerequisite in Vegetable Garden using a patch doesn't work

Started by PartyCowboy, August 06, 2019, 10:39:11 AM

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Hi, I'm trying to make a patch for Vegetable Garden that changes the researchPrerequisite for the RecipeDef "VG_MakebulkPemmican", but it doesn't work, any way I tried.

Here's the code I tried using:
<!--Reaaally weird thing. I had to remove it first, before inserting the one of my own, which is exactly the same, but with a different researchPrerequisite...
    <li Class="PatchOperationReplace">
    <xpath>*/RecipeDef[defName = "VG_MakebulkPemmican"]/researchPrerequisite</xpath>
<li Class="PatchOperationRemove">
<xpath>*/RecipeDef[defName = "VG_MakebulkPemmican"]</xpath>
<li Class="PatchOperationInsert">
    <RecipeDef Name="MakePemmican">
      <label>make bulk pemmican</label>
      <description>Make pemmican, a preserved combination of meat and plant food. It doesn't taste amazing, but lasts a year without refrigeration.</description>
      <jobString>Making pemmican.</jobString>
<!--End of weird bit and it still doesn't work :(-->

As you can see, I first tried doing it with a PatchOperationReplace, but this error popped up:
Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.ResearchProjectDef named Pemmican found to give to Verse.RecipeDef VG_MakebulkPemmican

Then I tried doing it the roundabout way by first removing it, then putting it back in, except with the researchPrerequisite changed, but then the same error popped up again!

I am baffled as to why it won't work, since I've done it dozens of times for other mods...
I appreciate any and all who have a solution for this.
