[Mod Request] Force Pawns to Recreate / Pawns gaining and losing passions

Started by NordLord, September 23, 2019, 04:53:36 PM

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Force Pawns to Recreate

I want my pawns to hang out more often, but some of them start recreation earlier than others, get finished earlier, piss off earlier, and thus dont make friends. A repressed, controlling tick in my brain is upset that pawns are not constantly doing what I tell them to at all times Geraldine stop hauling and get a wife please.
For anyone who's played Oxygen Not Included, I would enjoy a system that treats recreation like that games meal time, where colonists will drop what they're doing immediately and spend the entire allotted time doing joy activities, even if their recreation bar is full.

This would have the following benefits in theory:
- Assigning recreation time before sleep would stop pawns from returning to far-away tasks like hunting or mining, which can delay pawn sleeping time by up to an hour (Currently this kind of works, but recreation too early will make pawns go back to far-away tasks, and recreation too late will mean low recreation for the next day)
- Pawns can be given full recreation schedules if their moods are poor, forcing them to stay near beautiful areas to minimize the risk of a mental break
- Forced socialization, more chances at relationships, more pawns talking - all important for a storytelling simulator where it all too often feels like I'm controlling mindless drones who hardly acknowledge eachother

Level Up Passion Gain / Loss

Static Quality Plus is the only mod for 1.0 I have found that tampers with passion gain or loss, and past level 10 it has a 100% chance to gain passions for pawns. A lot of tweaks could go into a system like this, or it could just spin off into another mod
Letting colonists have a small chance to gain a passion on level up, and a small chance to lose a passion on level down would make them feel more dynamic - plus in real life, the less we do things the less passionate we become about them.

Possible ways to go about this:
- Pawns have a 5% chance to gain a passion in a skill when it levels up
- Pawns have a 5% chance to lose a passion in a skill when it levels down
- Pawns only have 9 chances to gain passions (levels 1 to 10), so that abusing xp decay to gain passions isnt possible
- Pawns have a chance to gain passions when using neurotrainers
- New items like mech serums or neurotrainers that are made specifically to increase passions in a certain skill subject

5 More Minutes

I just want my pawns to sleep in when they're told, similar to Force Pawns To Recreate. Stop complaining about darkness, you chose to wake up this early

Thanks for coming to my ted talk


Did you try to set the hour before sleeping to recreating at the restrict menu ?

But personaly i would set the after sleeping, while the pawn's sleep they don't care much about bad mood.