Problems with builders locking themselves in?

Started by Pangaea, September 15, 2019, 07:04:12 AM

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We've all been there. You want to build a room, expand walls, or fill in after sapper raids. If you let the pawns do their thing they will either build themselves in so you need to manually tear down wall(s) again to release them, or they'll miss corners or other pieces in the middle. Which means you need to micro them to the n-th degree, which often means they will only carry material for one tile, build it, repeat.

Enter the Achtung mod!

I've no idea why that thread is locked, maybe the author wanted it that way, but it should be on page one constantly for how darn good it is.

I just tested the above in a game where I happened to have a 1-tile L-shaped hallway into a mountain. Put down blueprints and use the [Force] command to build it, and every single tile is built quick as you like without any fuck-ups. Gorgeous! Will save so much time after those pesky sappers.

That Force command is also really useful for other stuff. I'm in a new game so just trying to set up a basic base so far, but I've used it for harvesting and sowing fields, and for cleaning a whole room. Very handy. Imagine it will be great for when blights hit too. Or when I want pawns to rebuild walls before the next raid, instead of beds or whatever inside the base. No need to fiddle with schedules after raids either, just use [Force] and watch the magic (hopefully without anyone breaking down :o )

It has some cool positioning for combat too, but I haven't really used that yet.

There are some videos out there highlighting it, such as these two:

Sorry for the plug, but I haven't heard much about it, so wanted to point it out in case others want to try it out too.