hauling issue, set to 0, pawns keep hauling the same items from a stock pile to!

Started by michealpandey, October 19, 2019, 12:38:55 AM

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another. I set little stock pile specifficly to the work bench but instead working on the bench (set to 1) they take the items from the little stock pile and place them in the stock pile. hauling priorirty set  to 0 i don't understand. All priority of stock pile are important


When all stockpile priorities are the same, they wouldn't haul from one stockpile to another.
I am unsure if they merge stack's from 2 different stockpile's but i think they don't.

But personaly, i would give the small stockpile next to the workbench a higher priority then the big storage one, so it would get filled first and the crafter wouldn't need to go to the storage.