Animals keep following even the setting is "not follow"

Started by Retry_02Hide, January 02, 2020, 12:45:08 PM

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I am not sure what mod is causing this, but all my animals just keep following their master even the "follow when drafted","follow when working" option in the animal tab are all set to "false". They will sometimes automatically set the settings to "true" even I do not touch them.

All animal related mods I use:
Animal Logic
Hardworking animals
Giddy-up Core/Ride and Roll/ Caravan
Kill/Hunt for me
Animal food restiction
Release animal to the wild
Better pawn control-->auto change setting disappered after installed this, but the issue just keep happening, only remain unchanged

I've checked all their settings, but there's no settings related to this issue, hope someone can answer me, thx.


So far i remember Giddy up let the animal the pawn was riding stay/follow at the place the pawn is working.
But i think you talk more about a generel problem.
I only can think about Better pawn control, that you have maybe an outdoor policy that differ from the standard policy.


Actually, this issue happened before I installed Better Pawn Control, so that's nothing to do with that. If this only happens to dogs then it would be fine, but this also happens to livestocks like camel or boomalopes, which is quite annoying.
I've tried make the animals not have a master, but they always get a master after trained, so there's no temporary way to fix this right now.