What seems to be wrong with my mod order?

Started by Todd, January 22, 2020, 06:40:26 PM

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Here's the log order. The problems i currently have ingame include:
Stoves not showing all the available recipe options except for the stone furnace, which has all of the options.
Female pawns not having any surgical options from the Children and Learning mod (Check/Remove prengnancy and artificially impregnate)
And whenever i set a rider for an animal in the caravan setup ui, the arrow for the animal turns back as if i'm leaving them behind, which the caravan actually does when I start it. The check mark stays green though, which is weird.


Hey, so a little bump here.

I replaced the stack mod with another one, and replaced EPOE with the forked version. I'm honestly really confused about the compatibility errors in the log. I still don't have any operation options from Children and learning and all the other problems too listed earlier.


these "HandleD3DDeviceLost" msg. is very annoying, but it is a problem of unity with your video card.
You maybe should try to update the driver and/or put " -force-gfx-st" behind the .exe at the shortcut.
QuoteThe main difference between 3.4 and 3.5 renderer is that we introduced multithreading, so there might be some incompatibilities we didn't see on our hardware. You can run single-threaded by using a command line switch: -force-gfx-st

QuoteXML error: Duplicate XML node name thingCategories in this XML block: <ThingDef ParentName="BuildingBase"><defName>WoodFiredGenerator</defName><label>wood-fired generator</label><description>Produces power by consuming wood. Must be periodically loaded with wood fuel by hand.</description><thingClass>Building</thingClass><graphicData><texPath>Things/Building/Power/WoodFiredGenerator</texPath><graphicClass>Graphic_Single</graphicClass><drawSize>(2,2)</drawSize><shadowData><volume>(1.93,1,1.69)</volume><offset>(-0.03,0,-0.1)</offset></shadowData></graphicData><altitudeLayer>Building</altitudeLayer><passability>PassThroughOnly</passability><pathCost>150</pathCost><blockWind>true</blockWind><fillPercent>1.0</fillPercent><castEdgeShadows>false</castEdgeShadows><rotatable>false</rotatable><thingCategories><li>BuildingsPower</li></thingCategories><minifiedDef>MinifiedThing</minifiedDef><statBases><MaxHitPoints>300</MaxHitPoints><WorkToBuild>2500</WorkToBuild><Flammability>1.0</Flammability><Mass>40</Mass><Beauty>-20</Beauty><Mass>100</Mass></statBases><tickerType>Normal</tickerType><canOverlapZones>false</canOverlapZones><size>(2,2)</size><costList><Steel>100</Steel><ComponentIndustrial>2</ComponentIndustrial></costList><comps><li Class="CompProperties_Power"><compClass>CompPowerPlant</compClass><basePowerConsumption>-1000</basePowerConsumption><transmitsPower>true</transmitsPower></li><li Class="CompProperties_Flickable" /><li Class="CompProperties_Refuelable"><fuelConsumptionRate>22.0</fuelConsumptionRate><fuelCapacity>75.0</fuelCapacity><fuelFilter><thingDefs><li>WoodLog</li><li>AYCharcoal</li></thingDefs></fuelFilter></li><li Class="CompProperties_Glower"><glowRadius>6</glowRadius><glowColor>(217,112,33,0)</glowColor></li><li Class="CompProperties_HeatPusher"><compClass>CompHeatPusherPowered</compClass><heatPerSecond>6</heatPerSecond></li><li Class="CompProperties_Breakdownable" /></comps><terrainAffordanceNeeded>Medium</terrainAffordanceNeeded><designationCategory>Power</designationCategory><designationHotKey>Misc3</designationHotKey><constructEffect>ConstructMetal</constructEffect><researchPrerequisites><li>Electricity</li></researchPrerequisites><constructionSkillPrerequisite>4</constructionSkillPrerequisite><thingCategories><li>BuildingsMisc</li></thingCategories><minifiedDef>MinifiedThing</minifiedDef></ThingDef>
and similar errors.
Since they are duplicate entries, i don't think that isn't that worse.
But if you like to know which mod this error comes from, i would search for WoodFiredGenerator at your mods folder. Results they arn't from Core should be the mod.

QuoteField contents: WesteradoStart.

Whole XML:

<ResearchProjectDef><defName>Smithing</defName><label>smithing</label><description>Build smithies for crafting metal weapons like knives, gladii, and maces. Work metal into clean, beautiful floor tiles.</description><baseCost>700</baseCost><techLevel>Medieval</techLevel><researchViewX>2</researchViewX><researchViewY>3.4</researchViewY><tags><li>VFEM_MedievalStart</li></tags><tags><li>WesteradoStart</li></tags></ResearchProjectDef>
A error from Westerado.

Quote[Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationFindMod([1.0] RimCuisine 2 Core) failed
One mod like to patch another, so that mod should be loaded before.

QuoteCould not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.SoundDef named InteractPistol found to give to Verse.ThingDef TaserBolt (using undefined sound instead)
Just no sound output.
If you want to know what mod, you should know what mod add's a Taser. Or search Mods for TaserBolt .
Too much work to show up all errors.
Special when these error allready happen after Rimworld start before you load a safegame.
They can lead that a mod don't work at all or not like expected, and can even lead to critical error that prevent you from playing that colony.

So when you activate mod you should do that at small batches, and check the log window each time if error's show up.
Sometimes it is just a missing required mod that you forget to put before the mod who need it, or when you installed it manual a wrong installation/filestructure/download.
After you identify that mod which cause error you should take a look at the mod disscussion if there is anything or ask the mod author if he wasn't offline too long.

Personaly i would add/activate at first libary mods like hugslib.
- then quality of life mods that add/change the display or patch/change something at the vanilla gameplay.
- ...
- Weapon/armor mods.
- Race,factions.
Ofcouse you can/should follow the mod author suggestion to put his mod on top/last or right behind xyz mod.

But you can try out mod sorting tools like
But they don't eliminate error's that cause a mod itself. But maybe lower some error's because a mod want another mod loaded before.