Removing mod-content through C# and HugsLib settings?

Started by Mlie, January 12, 2020, 02:47:01 PM

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I am trying to create a setting for my mod to be able to remove some Things from it through a setting, using HugsLib.
The problem is that I cannot simply use HugsLib references in my mod since I dont want all subscribers to have to add HugsLib to be able to use it.

I have found the advanced example for creating a setting in a try/catch from the bottom of the guide:

The issue is that I cannot figure out on how I can modify my xml. Can anyone help me out?


If you want examples, there are plenty out there of people who use Settings that are not HugsLib based (Deep Storage, a bunch of Mehni's mods, I think Common Sense, etc).

As far as removing content, it's not too hard via C#:

DefsDatabase.AllDefs<ThingDef/TerrainDef/PopsicleFlavorDef/Etc>().Remove(myDef); // If you have the def on hand
DefsDatabase.AllDefs<ThingDef/TerrainDef/PopsicleFlavorDef/Etc>().RemoveAll(x=>x.defName=="defNameYouWantToRemove"); // if you have the defname, etc.

It gives you a List of the defType you request, and if you remove it from the database, you remove it from the game.

Have fun, don't break anything :)