Mod idea: Trains

Started by kompani, February 10, 2020, 07:25:29 AM

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Hey guys, I am utterly useless unfortunantly when it comes to creating mods. But I sure do love what you guys have done so far!
I was playing and managing my colony when I realised that it would be pretty damn awesome if you could construct trains and railways as this would make it possible for you to colonize on a larger scale of the planet than ''restricted'' to the range of your transports. (Yes I know I can refuel my transports from SOS).

Railroad construction event: A faction would like to construct a railroad from them to you.
Train Raiders! Your train has been ambushed by hostile raiders.
Obstruction Ahead! The railroad has been blocked by some rubble/mountain slide etc. you need to clear it to proceed.

Railroad imo would have its own tab but requires machining before you can start teching it.
Basic railroad, normal good ol' railroad with base travelspeed.
Traincart, for transporting people.
Cargo cart, for transporting gear,equipment,materials and so on.
Train engine, runs on chemfuel (or its own fuel type?) and can pull 4-5 carts.
Mag Rails, costs more but lowers the risk of ambushes as well as an increase to the speed of the train.
Mag carts/engine , can pull more weight (carts) and have larger storages. This engine could run on fuelpods as in sos for example.

Hyperrails, well kind of explains itself ? An even better alternative.
Hypertrain, same here, even better version, although the train engine could propell itself, maybe by fission or fusion idk.

I'd love to hear your thoughts about this!

Livingston I Presume

This could actually be a new game all on it's own.  But as a mod it'd be pretty massive.  I'd play and and back it, honestly you had me sold at the title though.