Apparel textures not being registered entirely?

Started by apljee, January 27, 2020, 11:45:35 AM

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Hello. I've recently been working on a mod that adds some new content to the game. One of these new items is an apparel item called the loincloth. The texture path is Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/BR_Loincloth/BR_Loincloth and the original texture shows up in game (ie. when it's on the ground or something) but it is not properly displaying on pawns, as I get the following error:

For reference, here is a picture of the folder with the textures in it:

And here is a picture of my code, where the textures are referenced.

Any help on this matter would be appreciated, I'm not sure what I've done wrong and short of redoing the file I don't exactly know what I could do that might possibly fix it. Thanks


Your code all says Loincloth, but your files are BR_Loincloth?


It's finally clicked with me, I had changed the file name from loincloth to br_loincloth and forgot to update the <wornGraphic> destination, instead I only updated the <texPath> which is why the apparel would display on the floor but not properly on pawns.
