[1.1 + Royalty] Royal joins instead of leaving

Started by fezzik, February 25, 2020, 11:35:50 PM

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I got a quest to save a royal from a mad monkey which I accepted.  I killed the monkey and sent the royal to the ship once it landed 3h later.  On the way to the ship she had a breakdown and the ship left without her.  I'm not sure if the mental breakdown is intended since she promised not to be offended by body odour or bad manners but this is day 2  of a tribal colony so I'm not sure if it's even possible to avoid.  I got a message saying her ship left and that she would need to leave on foot.  At this point she apparently joined the colony.  I tried sending her to her faction but had no option to give her back.
Unless it's intended for royals to permanently join the colony when they miss their ship I think this is a bug.


It's the same issue as this: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=50422.0

We're going to fix it! Thanks for reporting. I'll close this for now.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog