Nobility skill loss order- it should be more random and not predictable.

Started by dearmad, February 28, 2020, 09:21:36 PM

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I mean some nobles and their eccentricities could love hunting even as the Emperor. It's a past time. Or h/h combat, or even making art. It should be unpredictable what skills you lose, so that a personality develops and there's that little bit more "story" and interest to it.

I think it would help develop that unpredictable story line that is this game better. As it is it's so gamey and predictable, you time your advances in rank perfectly without surprise.


i think the stuff they are passionate about should stay imo. why they would want to give up something they like to do.


I can see that point. Perhaps giving up a passion should be rare, at the least. But yes, I really think it should be changed in the base game. Eventually I may look into modding this and see if it's doable as xml, but probably would require skills over my head. :(


I would love to see passion dictating their remaining activities.

It was just kind of sad seeing my dude no longer research nor perform surgery, the things he loved to do and defined him... but still be able to fight or at least get out there and cause chaos with psychic abilities.