Hugslib or Harmony or what even is going on?

Started by RicRider, March 01, 2020, 06:04:07 PM

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Yesterday my save of about 100 mods loaded fine. I played it for a few hours on Friday and a bit yesterday. Today, I get error crash screen on startup telling me my mods are corrupt, even when I try to load from save.

I go to mod list in game menu and see that everything has been disabled. I also notice when I check just to see if I can enable Hugslib that it now requires Harmony as a separate dependency. (???!!!!???)

What's going on? How do I fix this? Do I just have to suck it up and spend a few hours debugging mods and trying to manually get them all in the same order? Not really what I was looking forward to tonight so while I'm pissed to abandon the story I had going on I'm perfectly happy abandoning this colony, and that frigging Steam garbage it came on and going back to my local copy of the game with a fresh start!

(Tynan if you're reading this please, please implement some in-game way of exporting your mod list so you can in theory move a mod list from Steam to local DRM-free. I mean obviously you'd still have to have a folder with all your mods in it but just some easy way I can get a good list of mods I figured out on Steam to load straight into the game on local DRM free would save SO much time.)
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