[1.0/1.1] Talons Faction 1.95 (02/03/20 update) The I live update

Started by MarcTheMerc, May 29, 2016, 07:08:03 PM

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I made a new version of the robot EXO. This is my first experience. Just for fun. Use it if tou like.

I will do more robots later. First, will be rusty robot from the old movie "Judge Dredd".

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Rusty robots. Small and Large.

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I can change your weapon icons (Little bit later).

Plasmashot alternative and PSD_Rusty_Robots attach

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I Live!!!
Updated to 1.1.
The EXO-19 has been removed due balance reason but may return in the future, overhauled.
Mercs are now rocking a new symbol on the world map.
Fixed issue of single base generation.
Keep me posted about any bugs or issues.
"So weird looking, like a twisted hulk of man and machine both scary and... well scary i mean it would look like a crab with limbs on limbs."

Yay i have a mod now ''https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=20513.0''; It adds mercs