[1.1.2561 Royalty] Corpse Obsession lingers after mental break expires

Started by GiantSpaceHamster, March 02, 2020, 10:55:02 PM

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A pawn with the Corpse Obsession mental break active did the following:
1) Dug up a corpse and left it on a table
2) Went to get a simple meal and ate it at another table
3) Went to bed
4) Mental break wore off and pawn woke up immediately
6) Active job: "Dig up corpse" (proceeds to head to a grave)

My guess is that the the last dig up corpse action was queued after the first one, but the food need overrode it, leaving it queued. Then the sleep need overrode it again, leaving it queued while sleeping. The timing of the mental break wearing off while asleep meant that coming out of the break canceled sleep instead of "dig up corpse", leaving "dig up corpse" to unqueue and become active.

I will note that since the mental break ended I was able to just cancel the dig up corpse job by drafting and releasing, so this is a pretty minor issue. Might have been a bit annoying if I hadn't noticed in time though.