
Started by eben, July 30, 2014, 10:47:06 AM

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Routes net:
sorry in advance(dyslexia)

The game feels a lot more like an "last stand" than a "builder" atm
alot of this is due to the way the player base seem to be the only thing the ai
can lock on to, and as such balance seem to be only about making a "clam" base.
soft and valuable surrounded by defences.
when the line gets broken, its over as much as the clam dies when the shell is broken.

I would like for the colony to be more a part of the world rather than the mid point.
so i would like a system for groups to travel along to diversify the game.
the game does need a system where more ai can be added later and also be used for modders:


When the map is generated, it a grid map is genned over the whole map,
maybe 9x9 or whatever fits the coding.

The game then periodicaly cecks for routes by pinging a random square in two adjentant
grids to see if there is a route.

the game then set for the following:

blocked by natural wall : considered blocked and no route is generated
(only need for this at map gen unless new invulnerable obstacles features is implemented)

blocked by artificial wall: set as an flag on the route

other checks: implement as needed(like raiders might want to set routes where there are resoruces.

the game then keeps 1 or 2 routes in memory per grid square so a healty numer is generated.

When a random "group event" is added the route sustem can be used to generate routes.
groups will have a entry(also flee point) and exit point but route is made by the ai's setting.
Generaly a group will generate a shorth rout from one part of the map to the other side of the map
to make them seem travelling.
But might also be set more random and even back tracking(like a herd of muffalo)

by having a route map as a feature, it will be easyer to add more diverse tresspassers and intruders later. and also great tool for modders to make new events.

it also allows for a dangerus world where you need to be carfull but still sont nessesery gets game over as soon as you meet something more powerfull. carawans to raid, armies to hide from or wild herd of ragin muffalos.


Have a look at the region system RimWorld is currently using here and see whether this has or has not meet what you have in mind.
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. - Myself

The dubious quotes list is now public. See it here


Thx alot. i dident know.

thx for reading it thou.
I hate how dyslexia turn evrything i write in anythin not my mother tounge to gibberish.

It does indeed sounds as a system is already in place, its just not used to make encounters not sentered on the player yet.

like if raiders instead of homing in on your base, rather roamed the map for a bit, picking up resorces and only engaging colonists getting to close.
Then leaving with the gains if the player didnet stop them... not the suecide run against the base like a tower defense game mobs.


Dyslexia doesn't matter much if you use punctuation marks!
Your text was very easy to read

anyway! I would love to see more variety with the events involving 'visitors'
like the caravans carrying something of value.
And you could choose to rob them =P

and there could be chance of group of raiders spawning with the intention of
robbing the said caravan

or scavengers just grabbing as much of the valuable stuff
as possible without having to engage in a fight.