[1.1.2570-75] QuestScriptDef Util_GenerateSite

Started by Proxyer, March 17, 2020, 08:05:16 AM

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Util_GenerateSite is not label or Text.
So "Util_GenerateSite.root.singleSitePartRules.rulesStrings".

but RimWorld Log record

Def-injected translations load errors :
Couldn't inject Util_GenerateSite.root.singleSitePartRules.rulesStrings into RimWorld.QuestScriptDef (Scripts_Utility_ThreatsCore.xml): Field rulesStrings does not exist in type RimWorld.QuestGen.SlateRef`1[Verse.Grammar.RulePack].

Def-injected translations missing :
QuestScriptDef: Util_GenerateSite.root.singleSitePartRules.slateRef

The suggestion will be like this.

Perhaps this is why the Scripts_Utility_ThreatsCore.xml translation is not available in all languages other than English.

in 2579 solved (add)



AcidCloud and LineEMP Motes are not specified in Effects/Mote_***. Xml.