[1.1.2579(64-bit)] Meals are causing debug to pop up non stop

Started by Buuhan, March 25, 2020, 08:06:30 AM

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I've had this bug pop up multiple times throughout two playthroughs now and its the only one that persists. It doesn't go away either unless I delete the item in question(always ends up being meals for some reason).

Pic of Log:
Link to Logs contents:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/149vly43hZf8xzcZ1GnTwdZkKaK5QqXYKD7yWuoicz_k/edit?usp=sharing
Pics of my mod list order
1. https://ibb.co/09rNkcH
2. https://ibb.co/1zm2NLT
3. https://ibb.co/wY96Tdd

Savefile: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aQzPSCh2bpgQya9bmWPGqUf_EY9e58FU


*sigh* why people never watch what they get a photo from ? Do you wonder what this nice shiny green button "Share log" do you could see on the pic?
And the quality of the pic is that good that you can read nothing.


I copied it down in case the picture wouldn't do. Ill just edit into my OP.