Do until X, butchering

Started by Alenerel, March 28, 2020, 05:05:30 AM

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The problem here is that there are 3 types of meat: human, insect and general animal. However "do until X", even if you only have selected general animal meat, it will still count insect meat (probably human too, havent tested). This makes that if you have 10 animal corpses in storage but have 300 insect meat and you have do until 100, they wont butcher the animal corpses, and thus not cooking and eating the insect meat.

Also id suggest that these 3 types of meat were differentiated in the menu. This is, insect meat and human meat shouldnt be buried under the general animal meat.


This is a "wish" since old days.
Yes insect and human meat count toward the total meat.
There was a mod "Butch can count meat" to seperate the butchering bills into Animal,Insect,Human but the mod author is MIA since B18.


Well, you are half right. if i remember correctly, do until X didnt count meat before, it didnt count anything. It now counts meat, but it counts any kind of meat. thats why i decided to post it here.

its kinda ironic that we can set do until X in any bench with specifics of counting durability and quality, but we cant set this.