[Mods bug] Mods crash my game

Started by nik98nik, April 12, 2020, 06:18:10 AM

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Hi guys,
I'm trying to install some mods on RimWorld, when I subscribe to a list of mods and I try to restart the game appears a strange pop up.

The translation in ENG is "Dev. Tool Access must take control of another process to continue the debug".

If I authorize this poup-up my computer crash.

My mods are: (I divided list in 3 screenshot)

I activated always before other mods this three in this order:
1. Harmony
2. Core
3. HugsLib

If I deny the poup-up, RimWorld crash and on my computer appears a file log but is too long to post in this topic.

Ps. sorry for my bad English, G.translate is my ghost writer in this forum...
My computer knowledge is really low, you should explain me solutions as if you were explaining them to your grandmother...

Thank you guys!
By form Italy and best wishes for the virus situation <3


i never saw these request window or know about a report of it.
And the Rimworld option to prevent the developer mode is a file thing you need to delete to regain developer mode.
IMO it is a bad idea to prevent dev mode on a heavy modded game, you can't open the log window to check if any mod cause errors.
So i think it is a mod thing. The mod's i saw at your pics don't look like they would add such a feature.

You shoudn't activate all mods at once, do it at small batches, so you notice early if that request pop up and if the log window show any errors.


I tried to activate 3 or 4 mods for times. I have identified a mode who take me crazy. The name is "RT-Fuse".


You sure about it ?
I don't have any problems with that mod.


I think yess. I tried to activate 50 mods in the same times without "RT-fuse" and now work. After I tried to activate only "RT-fuse" RimWorld has crashed...


The game now work correctly but I have the last question. When I start the game appears a console with these messages:
Thank a lot!


Just a quick question to you.
Maybe RT-Fuse bit with some other mod, but that is hard to say.

Do you ever wonder what these nice green button "Share log" do ? :-)
A much better way to share the window then to made pictures.
Ah i see at the last pic, there is maybe a problem with the button or with the path.
If you like you can report it to Hugslib mod discussion.

White = simple messages like notification or debug.
Yellow = warnings, something  not 100% accurate but can ignored.
Red = errors

The first reds are reletated to Combat Extended, there is maybe a mod missing or something.
The others are about prison labor, another failed patch.
If you like you can report/ask these at the proper mod discussion.