Technical help achieving a roleplay colony

Started by deepan, April 13, 2020, 02:49:32 AM

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A long time RP scenario I had in mind: A beautiful trait pawn crashlands, creates a colony where only he/she interacts with everyone else. The rest of the colonist are locked within individual enclosures (even soldiers), would think the colony is a huge building with only 2 pawns (while there will be 10+) and anyone who sees another are both executed. I just started such a colony.

I am at 2 pawns atm. The problem seems to be that the 3rd pawn (bought from slave trader caravan as soon as it spawns) that joins my colony already seems to know the second pawn (seen in social tab and this pawn has no way to interact with the caravan). I would like to know if it is possible to remove this.

I looked around in the save file. There were 2 conversations between the 2nd pawn and 3rd pawn even though they haven't met and there is no indication of the conversation in-game. I tried character editor mod and had no luck removing two pawns who are acquaintances.

TDLR: Newly joined pawns have social relation with pawn(s) they haven't met (acquaintances). Would like to know where in save file can I remove that to make them strangers (They will never ever interact in the future). Is it possible? Is it handled by scripts?