Mod suggestion/idea for more artifacts

Started by AnActualDuck, April 19, 2020, 12:11:51 PM

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I was playing during a volcanic winter and thought "It'd be neat if there was an artifact that could cancel out major long lasting events." However, cancelling out an event entirely feels unrealistic (I guess that matters) and OP so I started thinking about artifacts that could help with mitigating the effects of these larger events without completely breaking them.

Weather Control - Hotter | Weather Control - Colder: Primarily for temporary temperature modification. Lasts several days and up to a week. 10 to 20 degrees(f) of map temperature change 

Artificial Sun: Lights the map as if it were daylight for several days up to a week

Weather Control - Purified Rain Storm: Causes a rain storm that lasts several days to a week. Rain washes away toxicity while present (nullifies toxic fallout) and disease recovery speed is increased for any wet colonists. Being wet by purified rain also gives a mood buff instead of a debuff.

I know these may seem OP and can obviously be used to help the player in more ways than just mitigating events but if they are priced right and super rare I feel like they fall in line with other artifacts just fine. Some mods out there add in some pretty powerful long events (that I enjoy!) and these artifacts would be a fun way to combat those events for late game when you're super rich and finally have a stock of such things.

Just some thoughts I had, whether they get used or not I enjoy getting my thoughts written out and sharing them, thanks for reading!