Tribute collector not ariving

Started by Kakor, April 29, 2020, 05:26:34 AM

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Im in a game now (1.1.2618). And having trouble with the tribute collector not ariving at all. I had the same problem with the update before 2618 and played for 400+days and the the collector just ariving once in the begining.
My current game is on day 80+ and no collector. Im playing modded (about 15 or so of the most used ones on steam workshop). And  have the royal expansion added (i get missions and stuff but no collector). And i am friends with the empire.

Is there anyway to "spawn" the collector or other stuff to keep in mind for him/her to spawn? It says aprox twice a year. I guess that means about every 30 in game days.


at first you should check the ingame log window (need to enable developer mode at the options first, then the top left icon) if any red text (errors) happen during the gameplay.
Special error's that spam the log may cause problems that event's don't happen.

But if you don't got any error's at all, you are just unlucky. The tribute collector is just are a regular trade caravan and are random.
If you are ally with the empire you should be able to request them with the com console.


I will check the log next session then. Im not allied yet. I can ask for a caravan but can i ask the collector to arrive? And it has to be the collector and not any old caravan from the empire i guess?


Dang, i just saw you only can request the Imperial trader but not the tribute collector.
So you need to wait for him to show up someday.
But you know Murphy's law, if you are looking for something it never show up that early.
If you want cheat abit, you can use the dev tools to spawn one.
Top icon "Open debug action.."
Do incident (map)
CaravanArrivelTribute... or just enter at the searchbox trib.


Thanks for the info on spawning it. I might just do that if the log is fine and none arrives.

Is there any way to see the actual percentage chance that a collector will spawn. In the files anywhere? The wikis "Royal Tribute Collectors will visit your base approximately twice a year." Is quite vague and the actual math and trigger conditions would be fun to know.