Whats the funniest thing you have ever seen in Rimworld?

Started by Sepkan, August 06, 2014, 04:19:33 PM

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I had someone who once built themselves into a room and then I was wondering why it said 1 colonists idle. Another time, some fool replaced the door to a room with a wall, and the person whose bedroom that was kept sleeping in the freezer. Not once, but for several nights. I kept yelling at him and then I realized what happened.
Quote from: Tynan on December 02, 2016, 05:24:06 PM
This is like being in a remote fishing town in Libera and asking, "Why can't I just pay one of the fishermen $10 to take me back to Los Angeles?"



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A Friend

Steel Large Sculpture (good)


Title: Happiness

"This sculpture depicts Tranca Chinchilla enveloped by flame while attempting to disrobe on Dec. 1, 5501. Her mouth is open as she screams for help. There is a hippopotamus in the lower part of the image."


"For you, the day Randy graced your colony with a game-ending raid was the most memorable part of your game. But for Cassandra, it was Tuesday"

Squiggly lines you call drawings aka "My Deviantart page"

Lonely Rogue

Quote from: Adamiks on May 31, 2015, 09:48:51 AM
Quote from: Bohb Daishi on May 31, 2015, 01:08:59 AM
That time I loaded up an old save and I had 27 dead bodies in the freezer but I don't remember why.

Magic of Rimworld.
Rimworld: A game where you're kept as entertainment for thousand year old robots, and you just don't know it yet.
Any mod requests?


Like most stories it begins with visitors. earlier today i had a visiter arrive claiming to help my colony when it was in "dire need" the raid was defeated five minutes ago. i still followed her so she can play valiant hero of my colony... she walked into my prison and tossed a frag grenade.

She killed my warden  :-\
"So weird looking, like a twisted hulk of man and machine both scary and... well scary i mean it would look like a crab with limbs on limbs."

Yay i have a mod now ''https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=20513.0''; It adds mercs


Quote from: MarcTheMerc on June 15, 2015, 07:30:56 PM
Like most stories it begins with visitors. earlier today i had a visiter arrive claiming to help my colony when it was in "dire need" the raid was defeated five minutes ago. i still followed her so she can play valiant hero of my colony... she walked into my prison and tossed a frag grenade.

She killed my warden  :-\

Oh my god, that's annoying and hilarious at the same time. Maybe you shouldn't clothe your warden in the same clothing as the evil prisoners? I guess she wanted to take all those hungry mouths off you and provide you with some human snacks :D


Playing the game on challenge difficulty, ice sheet map, using just 2 EDB-well-prepared badass characters (both psychopath and good shooters, considered a couple in my playthrough ;D) instead of 3, saving me enough points to get them highest skill levels possible; selling every other newbie/prisoner as organs; trying to keep the place running with just these two, no mortar and no kill-box strategy. S/L allowed because I'd LOVE to keep them alive and well, despite how they have to kill mobs all by themselves one bullet after another.

One day a warg pack came... 19 of them :o, I have a few seconds to drag them out of bed and go out and kill them before they get too close and destroy my (badly placed) few turrets. But of course with the speed of the wargs, my little psychopaths just can't kill that many, with just a charge rifle, a sniper rifle, and a pointless EMP grenade. :-\

So, in the end...

One of them stood right in front of the gate with his sniper rifle
And the other boldly stepped out, whistled to the wargs, and RAN FOR HER LIFE in a big circle followed by the whole pack, trusting the few turrets and her partner to pick off the wargs one by one

Never would have worked if I hadn't exchanged countless lungs/kidneys/hearts/livers for a whole set of bionic parts for them within the past two years! ;D And on second thought I should have let her take off her parka as well... Been living on ice sheet for so long that I forgot it hinders running speed. :P

Still! My heroine only suffered a tiny scratch on her ear. 8)

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I'm an Electrical and Electronic Engineering student in university in New Zealand.

I like games, but unfortunately they don't help me get a degree.. so I'm going to be inactive for awhile.
- 22 July 2015


A second Evil ship came down i was just taking it on like normal i probably had to go back to about 4 saves before one of my conlisted died  so after about 2 retreats and the centipede was walking around the ship sent out a something to make all the animals mad they got mad about 2 rhinos 5 boomrats and 3 boars and 2 squirrels just sawed the centipede noked it out with one fist punch left then my retarded 8 sentries and 10 conlist just wrecked them then i took my one of 3 snipers to go take care of the ship and centipede


Only YOU can prevent forest fires. Controlled burn experiment at first... kind of got out of hand by the time the rain had finally shown up. Notice how new trees and grass had already set up shop behind the fire line maybe 60-90 sec after the initial wave of flames passed.


That's incredible. And it inspires me to defend myself in foresty zones with a fireproof concrete border around my base, and teams of molotov throwers.

"We got raiders boss!"

"Alright Fire Team go! Set up that firewall!"
I'm an Electrical and Electronic Engineering student in university in New Zealand.

I like games, but unfortunately they don't help me get a degree.. so I'm going to be inactive for awhile.
- 22 July 2015


Quote from: Axelios on July 03, 2015, 05:35:04 PM
That's incredible. And it inspires me to defend myself in foresty zones with a fireproof concrete border around my base, and teams of molotov throwers.

"We got raiders boss!"

"Alright Fire Team go! Set up that firewall!"

It worked. Knocked out the raiders mortars, detonated their artillery shells killing two, burned all the corpses and left behind apparel, weapons... Very tidy. All from the comfort of the base.


"Funniest" thing that's happened to me: 
Doing a solo start, using prepare carefully, on Randy extreme as a challenge with my friend
Spend about 15 minutes finding a good spawn and creating a beast character
Load into the world, tell him to go equip his survival rifle
Dry thunderstorm happens, WTF randy
Character gets struck by lightning on his way to the rifle and dies


Quote from: nwhite224 on July 07, 2015, 04:50:03 PM
"Funniest" thing that's happened to me: 
Doing a solo start, using prepare carefully, on Randy extreme as a challenge with my friend
Spend about 15 minutes finding a good spawn and creating a beast character
Load into the world, tell him to go equip his survival rifle
Dry thunderstorm happens, WTF randy
Character gets struck by lightning on his way to the rifle and dies

Damn lol. Trolled by Randy.