Making a building recipe require a human corpse?

Started by Ink., May 25, 2020, 07:44:42 PM

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Reviving an old mod of mine, I want to make a simple prop building (akin to VFE - Props & Decor) require a Human corpse as part of the building recipe. But I think corpses may not work in the way I require so I'm unsure how I could make this possible..

Edit - So I finally figured out how, but now I'm wondering if it's possible to only allow stranger corpses instead of colonist corpses for building purposes? I'm not sure if the filter feature could even work here, unless I made it a minified object and had it made at a workbench.

<ThingDef ParentName="BuildingBase">
<description>A head stuck on a pike, ooo scary.</description>
<!-- To be investigated
<CorpseHumanlike>1</CorpseHumanlike> -->

Cheers. I hope it's relatively simple. I don't intend on the mod being comparable to the Effigy mod.