About Deserter Quests

Started by Idyll, May 29, 2020, 12:58:46 AM

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I've really enjoyed the quests' overhaul so far, as well as, evidently, the rest of the new content from Royalty. Although, I have something I wonder about which may or may not have been a topic already.

Regarding Deserter quests, is it any possible to accept the deserter's coming into your lands only to capture them and exchange them for royal favors? It doesn't feel logical not to be able to do such a treacherous yet efficient thing. Instead, we seem to instantly be made hostile towards the empire.

Unless I missed something, I think that instead of adding the deserter to your ranks on the spot, this one has to come to your home zone for you to speak with them to recruit them if the player really intends to so do; otherwise we'd still be able to take them into custody to trade with the loyalty party.

Do I make sense and, for my information, is it possible to make it so?