[MOD IDEA/REQUEST] QoL: Display all constructible structures in architect tab

Started by npl.long2001, June 26, 2020, 08:16:04 AM

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Alright, I've install like over 200+ mods or something and I can't remember every feature or extra structures that they provided. Hence I tried to find a mod that would display every single structures (ex: workbench, walls, furnitures) into the architect tab. Those that I haven't research and can't build yet would still be displayed but it is grey-ed out or at least when you hover over it it would says you need to research this that before it could be constructed. However I found no mod like that, THEREFORE I BEG someone to build a mod as I described OR AT LEAST SIMILAR because it would make our rimworld modded life MUCH MUCHHHHHH easier.


at first i suggest you
All the information about everything compiled in a neat catalog of things, explore what your world offers, with detail! Everything is connected, navigate at your heart's content.

Do you want to know how to build something? What you need to research to obtain it? No more digging inside xml to learn what needs to be done. Just search it and discover!

Do you know the research name? Find it with the search by text toolbox and research right from the Help tab.

Supports every thing any mod adds. The perfect companion for navigating those complex mods.
So if you want to build some weapon, search for it at the help tab, and it show you which workbench,researches and material you need.
Same for workbenches, it should you what research you need to build it, and what kind of bills you can use.

When you enable developer mode at the option, some icons on top appear.
Godmode allow you to build anything (without resource cost) you can use this to to browse throw the buildings. Once you find the one you need, you can check with the help tab about the research.


Just tried WikiRim, great addition but not really meet my need on the mark. Plus at first sight all I see is words and words in the wiki so kinda hard to keep track everything XD

So let's say, the mod that I described does exist and I use it. I open the architect tab and press furniture and I see everything that I can construct, stuff like wooden walls are colored because I can construct it, stuff that can't be construct and need to be researched prior would be grey out. So I would get the impression that "Oh hey there is this thing from this mod that I can build". So without this mod often you would need to research then stuff would appear in the tab right, so sometime I would just forget completely about a mod or a piece of neat furniture because I'm not reminded of it if it's not in the building selection.
Plus because in the 'mod idea' the thing that can be constructed is visually shown, so it is easier to track rather than the list of words in WikiRim, get me?


Can someone pickup this mod idea and make it into reality plz lol